Worldwide, social engineering has become standard operating procedure for governments
Military-grade psy-ops, also called ‘behavioral goverment’ or ‘cognitive warfare’ have replaced free press and free dissimination of information through which individuals can inform themselves. By full-spectrum control of the information landscape (corporate media, ‘social’ media, academia), and targeting unconsious processing of information, advanced social control is achieved.
This article series was an investigation for the independent reader funded printed Dutch newspaper De Andere Krant, and was translated into English for Global Research. Click the green links for the full articles.
Ep.240 | Exposing the mass hypnosis being use on us
The government reports dealing with ‘behavioral goverment’ or ‘cognitive warfare’ or descriptions of them can be dry, technical and bureaucratic. The pin doesn’t drop about how insidious and effective these techniques are.
This explanation by stage hypnotist Brian Halliday really brought home to me how these ‘behavioral insights’ methods work, and into what extreme behavior you can manipulate people by applying them. If this is a mass hypnoses, it is a deliberately induced one.
I The Netherlands: Government Sponsored Behavioral Control and Social Engineering Experiments
A government-wide network of behavioral experts – the Behavioral Insights Network Netherlands (BIN NL) – has been supporting all departments in conducting behavioral experiments since 2014. The experiments aim to use behavioral knowledge from the social sciences to steer citizens toward “right” solutions and choices.
At their core, they involve large-scale application of manipulation techniques, in policy development, implementation, monitoring and communication. Although much information about this can be found on government websites, most citizens are probably unaware of these social engineering experiments. Nor has there been a public discussion about the desirability of applying this knowledge. Read the whole article: link
II Mindspace – A Guide to Behavioral Manipulation
The publication of the British report ‘Mindspace. Influencing behavior through public policy’ from 2010 seems to have been the worldwide kickstart of systematic application of knowledge from behavioral science to public policy and implementation. The report summarizes a century of behavioral science research, and provides recommendations on how governments can apply it.
Mindspace was compiled in response to a commission from top British civil servant Sir Gus O’Donnell and Sir Michael Bichard, head of the Institute for Government, a think tank that advises and supports the British government through research. Following this report, the Behavioral Insights Team (BIT, see main article) was formed, and Prof. David Halpern and Dr. Michael Hallsworth, who co-authored the report, later became CEO of BIT and “Managing Director BIT Americas,” respectively. Read the whole article: link
Corona policy was primarily focused on directing citizen behavior such as wearing mouth masks, keeping a distance, staying home, and test and vaccination readiness – experimental measures with no scientific basis. This is evidenced by the large-scale use of behavioral scientists in implementation and communication of corona policy. The government and media are supported in this behavioral management by the RIVM (the Dutch CDC) Corona Behavior Unit and the government-wide Corona Behavior Team. Read the whole article: link
IV Citizen’s Brain Is the Battlefield in 21st-century Warfare
NATO has added to the traditional domains of warfare – land, sea, air, space and cyberspace – a new one: “the cognitive domain.” This is not just about imposing certain ideas or behaviors, as in traditional propaganda and psy-ops, but about modifying cognition – influencing the process by which we ourselves arrive at ideas, insights, beliefs, choices and behaviors. The target is not primarily an enemy army, but the citizen. Winning the war is no longer determined by moving a border on a map, but by ideological conversion of the target. Read the whole article: link
V Interview with psychologist Gary Sidley: With fear and shame obedience is enforced!
“I never expected that the government would go so far as to use hidden manipulation techniques – so-called ‘nudges’ to enforce obedience says British psychologist Gary Sidley.
Listen to the interview: link
VI Applying ‘behavioral insights’ aka social engineering is not limited to the Netherlands/ UK
World Bank’s behavioral sciences team, eMBeD works closely with project teams, governments, and other partners to diagnose, design, and evaluate behaviorally informed interventions.
10 profiles of countries with nudge units:
The UN Innovation Network has set up the UN Behavioural Science Group, which comprises of more than 800 members from across 40+ UN Entities and 60 countries;
WHO Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health
European Commission Competence Centre on Behavioural Insights. We support policymaking with evidence on human behaviour.
OECD Behavioural insights.
Social engineering the food/protein transition
Excellent research by FOIA request investigator Marc van der Vegt
#WOBTeam – Voedsel-Transitie: ‘van vlees- vis en zuivel naar meer insekten & planten’
— Marc van der Vegt (@VegtDoor) February 10, 2023
Onder het mom verduurzaming, beveelt het RLI rapport andere eiwitbronnen in de -Schijf van Vijf- aan
Probleem: Cultuur & Acceptatie
Oplossing: Gedragsbeinvloeding- desnoods dwang